POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Cloth falling onto a sphere - ml_cloth1.m1v : Cloth falling onto a sphere - ml_cloth1.m1v Server Time
5 Nov 2024 03:15:43 EST (-0500)
  Cloth falling onto a sphere - ml_cloth1.m1v  
From: Michael Langton
Date: 24 May 2000 09:12:45
Message: <l5knissqgr484uronlseb2i00e18j25i8e@4ax.com>
Over the last few weeks I've been working on some cloth simulation
using Hugo Elias' method:
After seeing the cloth related discussion in pbi, I thought I'd post a
sample of where I've got up to.
The actual simulation was done in a C++ program (I did try a
pov-script one but have now left that for the 5000%+ speedup that
compiled code gave me...).  The cloth here is a 50x50 grid, with each
square split into two smooth_triangles based on maximum surface area.
On the left near the end of the animation you can see my current
problem - the jagged edges to the shadows caused by it still being
made of triangles under those nice curves.  I've been wondering
whether to do it with bicubic_patches instead, but that'll kill my
nice fast render times (7-8s per 400x300 antialiased frame on a PIII
There is no randomness in this at all currently, hence the
super-symmetricality of it (it's not quite, actually, because it's not
centred exactly on the sphere), and the fact that it looks like it's
falling through a vacuum.
Well, that's probably enough rambling...comments welcome.

-- Michael Langton (first post here, BTW)

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Download 'ml_cloth1.m1v.mpg' (320 KB)

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